ZULETEL S 10% Oral

Internal and external parasiticide

For bovine and ovine

Saguaypicide, against worms


Each 100 mL contains:
Closantel                                                10 g
Excipients q.s.ad.                             100 mL


It is effective against infestations caused by gastrointestinal nematodes, trematodes and ectoparasites in bovine and ovine.

Withdrawal period:

Do not slaughter animals whose meet is intended for human consumption until 30 days after the last dose.

Do not treat females in lactating period.


Route of administration:

Oral route with any dosing device.


Ovine: 1 mL every 20 kg of weight against Oestrus ovis (5 mg/kg).

1 mL every 10 kg of weight against Liver Fluke (inmature from the 8th week and adults), Fasciola gigantica and nematodes, (10 mg/kg).

1 mL every 5 kg of weight against ectoparasites (equivalent to 20 mg/kg l.w.) and as a preventive against ovine mange.

Its use it is not authorized for the cleaning of the sites with sheep mange.

Ectoparasites: Melophagus ovinus (repeat the 7th day); Cochliomya hominivorax y Callitroga (repeat the 21th day).

Bovine: 1 mL every 10 kg of weight against nematodes and Fasciola.

1 mL every 5 kg of weight against ectoparasites and as a preventive of Callitroga (repeat the 21th day).