Contacto y ubicación
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760

Nutritional supplement acting as: reconstituent, enhancer, energizer, hematinic, antistress, antioxidant, metabolism and appetite stimulant, immunostimulant. Its formulation contains amino acids, vitamins, energizer, minerals and trace elements, providing in a single product every required element for optimal performance. It is indicated for: athletes, exhibition, pregnant, lactating or growing animals; nutritional management in the recovery of convalescent or weakened animals, with intense parasitosis, stimulating appetite, helping in hepatic metabolism, weight gain, and mass muscle definition.
Each 100 mL contains:
Creatine monohydrate…………. 1.3 g
DL Carnitine HCI………………….. 2.0 g
L-Glycine………………………… 0.036 g
L-Alanine……………………………. 2.0 g
L-Arginine HCI………………….. 0.036 g
L-Lysine HCl………………………… 0.9 g
L-Methionine…………………… 0.036 g
L-Tryptophan…………………… 0.179 g
L-Asparagine H2O…………….. 0.036 g
L-Histidine HCl…………………. 0.036 g
DL-Choline bitartrate……….. 2.088 g
Betaine HCl………………………. 1.32 g
L-glutamic acid………………… 0.036 g
Cobalt chloride* 6H2O…… 0.00847 g
Copper chloride* 2H2O……… 0.134 g
Iron proteinate*………………….. 4.5 g
Sodium Selenite*……………. 0.0164 g
Zinc Sulfate* 7H2O……………. 1.208 g
Fructose……………………………… 10 g
Glucose………………………………. 10 g
Vitamin B12…………………… 0.0015 g
Excipients……………… 100 mL
* Cobalt: 0.0021 g. – Copper: 0.05 g. – Iron: 0.45 g. – Selenium: 0.0104 g. – Zinc: 0.275 g
Target species:
Equines, bovines, ovines, goats, swines and large birds.
Route of administration
Shake well before the administration and periodically throughout the administration.
Oral route; it can be administered with an oral dosage syringe mixed with the ration, or in the drinking water.
Adult equine: doses for maintenance 15 to 40 mL per day, convalescent or lack of appetite 30 to 60 mL per day, breeders 20 to 40 mL per day, slight training 20 to 40 mL per day, moderate training 40 to 60 mL per day, intense training 60 to 90 mL per day.
Foals and ponies: over 60 days old, 10 to 20 mL per day until one year old; 15 to 30 mL per day for animals older than 1 year. Do not use in foals younger than 60 days old, except veterinarian’s indication.
Adult bovine: doses for maintenance 15 to 40 mL per day, convalescent or lack of appetite 30 to 100 mL per day, breeders 40 to 60 mL per day; animals older than one year: 15 to 30 mL per day. Calves: 5 to 15 mL per day until weaning, 10 to 20 mL per day for elders.
Adult ovine and goats: doses for maintenance 5 to 15 mL per day, convalescent or lack of appetite for 20 to 30 mL per day, breeders 20 mL per day. Lambs and kid goat: 1 to 5 mL per day.
Adult swine: doses for maintenance 5 to 15 mL per day, convalescent or lack of appetite 15 to 30 mL per day, breeders 5 to 10 mL per day. Piglets: 1 to 3 mL per day; young swine 3 to 5 mL per day.
Large adult birds: doses for maintenance 2 mL per day, convalescent or lack of appetite of 2-5 ml per day, breeders 3 mL per day. Young birds: 1 mL per day.
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760