Contacto y ubicación
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760

Composition: EMAG 78,8%
Chemical group: Methyl esters of fatty acids
Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate
Characteristics: Micro-Oil is a coadyuvant formulated from esters of vegetable oil that acts by increasing the adhesion and wetting dispersion of phytosanitary treatments. The addition of Micro-Oil to the spray mixture allows a better action of the herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, increasing the effectiveness of the application.
Crops: Broad spectrum of use.
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760