Contacto y ubicación
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760

Diazinon 40%
Each 100 g contains:
Diazinon 40 g
Formulation agents q.s.
External parasiticide against flies. For the control and elimination of the fly of the horns (Haematobia irritans) in bovines. Indicated in the presence of strains resistant to pyrethroids.
At the beginning of the fly season, a caravan is placed per animal with the help of an applicator clamp. The caravan will remain in the animal for 20 weeks at the end of which it must be removed to avoid the development of resistance.
Withdrawal period:
Meat and milk: 0 (zero) days.
Warnings and precautions:
Remove the caravans before sending the animals to slaughter. Do not apply to animals under three (3) months of age.
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760