Curamic Ointment

Bovine, Ovine, Equine, Swine and Canine


Cypermethrin 2.0 g

Dichlorvos 1.0 g

Excipients 100 g



External parasiticide, repellent. Prophylaxis and treatment of cutaneous myiasis.

Insect repellent. Screwworm larvae. Flies.

As preventive for any type of wounds, new-born navel, castration, dehorning, surgical procedures in general.


Target species:

Bovine, ovine, equine, swine and canine.


Withdrawal period:

Meat: 15 days

Milk: 72 hours

Do not use in felines.


Route of administration:

Topical use.



Because it is a topical use product, there is no specific dosage, it will depend on the wound / screwworm size and on the quantity of larvae; it is recommended to well cover the affected area and around it.

To prevent, apply at the edges and around the wound.

Apply twice a day or according to the veterinary doctor’s discretion.

Applied according to directions, it has a wide safety margin.