Contacto y ubicación
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760

Injectable solution
Estradiol Cypionate 0,05 g
Excipients 100 mL
CIPIOMIC is a long-acting hormonal product whose active substance is a semi-synthetic derivative of 17 Beta Estradiol (estradiol cypionate). It is indicated for use in fixed-time artificial insemination programs as a complement in cases of estrogen treatment for induction and synchronization of heat and postpartum anestrus, or in case of heat synchronization with prostaglandins and GnRH.
Target species:
Bovine (cows and heifers)
Route of administration:
Parenteral route, IM, applying the aseptic measures necessary for the administration of injectables.
Recommended dose: 1 ml of CIPIOMIC / per animal (each mL of the product contains 0.5 mg of estradiol cypionate).
In fixed-time Artificial Insemination programs, apply 1 ml of Cipiomic on the day of removal of intravaginal devices.
Do not use in prepubertal females or pregnant females, or when there is congestive heart failure, breast or uterine tumor. It can induce anovulatory jealousy, ascending spread of infections and favor the presentation of ovarian cysts. Animals with poor body condition may not respond to treatment as expected.
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760