Contacto y ubicación
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760

Each 100 mL contains:
Amitraz 12.5 g
Excipients 100 mL
Broad sprectrum ectoparasiticide. Against ticks, mites and lice. Specially formulated to combat mites resistant to other active ingredients (organophosphorus and pyrethroids).
Target Species:
Bovine and Ovine.
Withdrawal period:
Meat: 14 days
Milk: 24 hours
Route of administration:
Bovine: immersion or spraying baths
Ovine: immersion baths
Immersion baths: foot of bath: 3.2 lt Acarmic 12.5% and 10 kg of stabilizing powder every 2000 liters of water. Every time the initial volume should decrease 10%, proceed to refill or replenish the product (Stripping Correction). Refill: 3.2 lt of Acarmic 12.5% and 10 kg of stabilizing powder every 1000 liters of water. Stripping Correction: 1.6 lt of Acarmic 12.5% and 5 kg of stabilizing powder every 1000 lt the water level in the bath decreases.
Spraying baths: 1.6 lt of Acarmic 12,5% every 800 lt of water.
Apply the final emulsion by spraying using 1 liter per animal approximately. The product can be used on animals of all ages. The interval between baths to eradicate Ticks from the pastures must be 21 days at the beginning; the following baths can be repeated every 30 days due to its residual action.
Immersion baths: foot of bath 3.2 lt of Acarmic 12,5% and 10 kg of stabilizing powder every 1000 lt of water. Every time the water level decreases 10 % of its initial volume, proceed to refill and replenish the product. Refill: 3.2 lt of Acarmic 12,5% every 500 lt of water and 10 kg of stabilizing powder. Stripping Correction: 1.6 lt of Acarmic 12,5% and 5 kg of stabilizing powder every 500 lt the water level in the bath decreases.
Just one treatment is enough against sheep scab mite. For security reasons it is advisable to repeat the treatment every 12 days.
For the adequate use of Acarmic 12,5% in immersion baths for ovine or bovine, the minimum immersion time should be one minute, and the head of the animal should be submerged at least twice. Shake well and periodically the content of the bath.
Laboratorios Microsules Uruguay S.A.
Ruta 101 Km 28, Cno. Al Paso Escobar s/n,
Canelones, Uruguay. C.P. 91001.
Tel.: (00598) 2 288 6761
Fax.: (00598) 2 288 6760